Searched forum but couldn't find anything closely related. Just became more confusing.
Scenario: Company A split into two, and now we have Company A and Company B (same network, subnet, etc.) but we've put them on their own DC and Exchange. Previously Company B's MX was pointingto Company A so that their domain could receive email through Company A's server. I've changed Company B's MX record to now point to their new Exchange 2013 server. Almost all mail flows as it should internal\external, inbound\outbound except for CompanyA's internal to Company B's internal. I found the article below and there is in fact a mail relay set up in Company A's Exchange 2010 server. Link: But I'm also seeing it listed as an Accepted Domain under Org. Configuration->Hub Transport->Accepted Domains. So my question is, where do I remove or modify the entry. I've tried tochange the Accepted Domain to Internal and External Relay Domain but then it breaks the other way (Company B sending to CompanyA). Any help would be appreciated.
Thank You-